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Loch Ness Monster & Lake Champlain Monster have rare "blurry" gene

People across the world have described their encounters with both the Loch Ness Monster (in the British Islands) and the Lake Champlain Sea Monster (the lake that separates New York State and Vermont) for hundreds of years. Many even have taken photographs. One thing that is in common with every photo is a slight blurriness in the image. The blurry photo's can neither confirm or deny the image is legit but something large seems to be living in the water. Many searches have been performed for the monster's and in some instance the lakes have been scanned by sonar, only to come up empty. Some people have even admitted that the Loch Ness Monster was just a way to attract tourists and was totally made up while others firmly believe in the existence. A recent breakthrough from a lab at the University of Vermont has sent researchers across the globe and now believe they can actually prove once and for all are that the Monsters real.

Recently in the Green Mountains of Vermont a catamount (in the cougar family) was captured. Thought to be non-existent in the region for many years the latest sightings were thought to be bobcat's or another small animal in the cat family. A slightly blurry photo that was taken by Edith Bunker had Animal Control sent to patrol the area.

The animal was tracked and eventually trapped but what they learned next would take the science community by storm. It was definitely a catamount which surprised many locals, but what was astonishing was that no one could focus their eyes on the creature. The cat was literally blurry. This finding led to many scientific tests and yet another discovery; not only did the cat have a gene that gave the animal the appearance of being blurry it was also found to be undetectable by sonar. The softness of the animals appearance makes it almost invisible to scans. It was also noted that the photographs that were thought to be blurry and out of focus were not. This discovery gave one scientist, who claims he has seen the Lake Champlain Sea Monster (known by locals as CHAMP) a new theory on why there are no clear photographs or sonar scans of CHAMP.

With these findings the scientists were able to build a different type of sonar device and it was decided that they would perform some new scans in the nearby Lake Champlain to see if they could detect anything new. Within a couple of days the scientists had scanned two very large and very fast moving images with the new sonar that has many people buzzing. This may be the beginning to finally proving the Lake Champlain Monster really exists. The scientists are currently working on building a second device and taking it overseas to perform the same tests on Lake Loch Ness.


Joe Arena said...

A scientific breakthrough!

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Unless quoted or noted all entries are fictional. No harm or disrespect is meant just good old fashion fun! Enjoy!

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