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First Documented Case of Ad-Clicking Addiction

Meet Charlie: Charlie is an ordinary person. He has a full time job, a family and a dog. He loves his life and everything about it, but Charlie has a problem; Charlie is addicted to clicking on Internet advertisements and because of this, and to his dismay, he has begun therapy. "There is nothing wrong with me!" Charlie insists. "That's what they are there for, why else would they be so inviting."
Dr. Iona Frisbee of the Billing Psychiatric Ward says this is a common reaction to addicts. "Denial is always the first sign there is a problem" he explains, "It's just like gambling addicts; they all think it's okay but in reality it's a disease."
Charlie doesn't see it that way. He actually feels he is doing a service. "Most people don't realize that each of those adds give the website holder revenue when they are clicked on. So not only am I learning about a product I was unaware of before, I am also putting money in the website holders pocket. It's kind of like paying for something that I am using. Sometimes I even click on ads even if I'm not interested in the product, I just feel like giving someone some extra cash and it doesn't cost me a penny!"
Charlie's wife agreed that at first she didn't mind, "..but after a while we were getting all sorts of stuff in the mail. We have Rosetta Stone for five languages...he can't even speak English that well."
There are many sides to this argument as there are for many addictions, but Dr. Frisbee says he will keep Charlie under close supervision. "I hope others out there with Charlie's condition will come forward" says Dr. Frisbee, "It's an addiction and they should feel comfortable seeking help."


Unknown said...

Charlie needs to stop by my blogs and click on some ads.


The Brain Twinkey said...

I know! I'm waiting for him too!

Anonymous said...

Charlie's wife agreed that at first she didn't mind, "..but after a while we were getting all sorts of stuff in the mail. We have Rosetta Stone for five languages...he can't even speak English that well."


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Unless quoted or noted all entries are fictional. No harm or disrespect is meant just good old fashion fun! Enjoy!

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